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Students, parents, teachers, guidance counselors, coaches, parent coordinators, school medical staff, social workers, probation officers, hospital personnel, and more use Connect with Kids multimedia resources. Any adult who wants to help improve the lives of children and facilitate a connection among parents and children will find that Connect with Kids is a great tool.
It is best to log on via Google Chrome, or Firefox. Please be sure not to log onto the site via Internet Explorer, as older versions do not adequately support playing video content files. If you are having technical difficulties, click on to the Help Desk icon on the home page or feel free to call Connect with Kids client support: 1.888.598.5437, ext. 145.
Connect with Kids programs are evidence-based. Connect with Kids appears as an “Effective Producer” of programs on the U.S. Department of Education’s What Works Clearinghouse List. Read more at
Additionally, The Refuse, Remove, Reasons High School Education Program (RRR) has been designated an OASAS Prevention EBP and
is on the OASAS Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Strategies (REPS). The RRR outcome evaluation demonstrated meaningful
evidence of positive change on the following prevention outcomes among New York high school students:
Please contact the Help Desk (Connect with Kids) by email You may also contact
Connect with Kids client support at 1.888.598.KIDS (5437), ext. 145.